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Spellbound Murder Complete Trilogy (Spellbound Murder Box Set Book 1) Page 25

  “You’re sure going to Lance’s is a good idea?” Mira asked.

  “Are you comfortable with her being at Lance’s?” Emmit asked Gabriel.

  “You said it was only a few blocks away,” Gabriel said. “This is going to be a shit storm no matter where she is.”

  “You don’t feel anxious or agitated about it?” Emmit asked.

  “Why should I?” Gabriel asked.

  Emmit shrugged. “Lance’s will work for our purposes then.”

  Mira took one last look at the junkyard her apartment had become, and emotions twisted together and squeezed her heart. It didn’t look like anything had survived. She had no idea how they would pin all this on John, and at the moment, she didn’t really care.


  Lance looked uneasy, but Emmit had a chat with the vampire, and Lance agreed to let Mira stay for as long as she needed. The room he gave her was about the size of her apartment and had its own bathroom, but she felt out of place in the mansion.

  Even so, after letting Oracle and Alchemy out of their carrier, she left Gabriel and Emmit discussing what they were going to do next and she locked herself in the bathroom. With cuts and scrapes covering her, not to mention bloody clothes, getting clean was her first priority. She felt numb, so she tried concentrating on one thing at a time.

  It was going to take more than fresh clothes and a shower to settle her nerves. From the way Gabriel talked, though, she would have to face the police sooner rather than later.

  After her shower, Mira saw that her cats had found a comfy place in the middle of the bed, so she went looking for Emmit and Gabriel. She found the two men in an extravagant living room sitting on plush couches. Somehow, they both seemed to fit the room, each man looking as though they owned the place, although Gabriel looked unhappy with the company he was keeping.

  “We have a plan,” Emmit said when she joined him on the coach.

  “For what?” Mira asked.

  “Reporting the incident,” Emmit said.

  “We’re really reporting this?” Mira said.

  “Gabriel is quite insistent,” Emmit said. “It’s very simple, though, and mostly the truth. John attacked you at your apartment and was frightened away after Gabriel showed up.”

  Mira blinked at him, waiting for more.

  “No one outside the three of us should ever need to know he moved into the Ether,” Emmit said.

  “But… my apartment doesn’t exactly—”

  “That’s being taken care of as we speak,” Emmit cut in. “The scene will reflect what you are reporting.”

  “I’m still not convinced we should be doing this,” Gabriel said.

  Emmit gave him a hard look and Gabriel sighed.

  “But it’s the best we can do at the moment,” Gabriel added.

  “Gabriel will ask the police to meet you here,” Emmit said. “He’ll stick with you.”

  “I want Della here as well,” Mira said.

  Emmit looked like he was going to argue.

  “She’s going to be here,” Mira pressed.

  “But I shouldn’t be,” Emmit said, standing. “You can stay here as long as you need.”

  “You’re leaving?” Mira asked.

  “There are things I need to do,” Emmit said, “and with me being here, it will only confuse the story. Too many people will ask too many questions.”

  “Oh.” It was the only thing Mira could think of to say.

  “Gabriel, you’re sure you feel comfortable with her staying here?” Emmit asked.

  “I don’t feel comfortable with any of this,” Gabriel said.

  “What I mean is, do you think she will be safe here?” Emmit asked.

  “Why do you keep asking him that?” Mira asked.

  “I want to ensure that you’ll be okay if I am away for a while,” Emmit said.

  “He barely knows me,” Mira muttered.

  “Yes, but he’s bound himself to you,” Emmit said. “He’ll know if something is wrong.”

  Mira stared at Emmit, but didn’t get a chance to say anything.

  “What the hell are you talking about?” Gabriel asked.

  “You didn’t know?” It was Emmit’s turn to look confused. “It’s not something that typically happens on accident. I assumed it was intentional.”

  “That’s ridiculous,” Gabriel said. “You don’t know what you’re talking about.”

  “You knew to show up at her apartment today,” Emmit said.

  “That was…” Gabriel seemed to lose some of his steam. “A coincidence.”

  Emmit chuckled, which only seemed to aggravate Gabriel. “I assure you, if Mira is in danger, you will know, and you will feel the need to go help her.”

  “But it’ll go away, right?” Mira asked.

  “I shouldn’t think so,” Emmit said as he stood. “I should leave.”

  “You can’t go,” Gabriel said, standing as well. “You have to fix that bond thing you’re talking about.”

  “Even if I could, why should I?” Emmit asked. “John was not the beginning or end of this. Mira is safer now than she was before.”

  “But she’s not my responsibility!”

  “Don’t I get a say in this?” Mira asked, feeling her own blood pressure rise at the accusation that she was anyone’s responsibility. “I don’t want him traipsing after me.”

  “I’m sorry,” Emmit said, “there is nothing I can do.”

  “That’s crap!” Gabriel snapped.

  Emmit lost any trace of amusement. “I don’t know why you did this, but you cannot blame Mira or me.”

  Gabriel clenched and unclenched his fists.

  “Besides,” Emmit said, seeming to relax a bit, “it could be that with John gone, she will no longer be a target. I’m sure Mira is safe for now, with or without you. The whole community should be safer. Now, I really must take my leave. You should be able to call this in anytime.”

  Gabriel and Mira were quiet when Emmit left. Minutes ticked by and Mira was glad for each one of them. Gabriel’s reaction had hurt and aggravated her far more than she thought it should have. The time gave her a few moments to calm down.

  “Listen,” Gabriel said, interrupting her thoughts, “about this—”

  “It’s been a long day,” Mira said. “A long two days. Can we just get this over with?”

  “Yeah,” Gabriel said, sounding relieved, “I’ll make the call.”


  Creating a new series has been nerve wracking and a lot of fun! Mira was a fun character to write and I love watching her work with Emmit, Ian, and Gabriel. If you enjoyed this book, please leave a review on the site where you made the purchase.

  Leaving a review helps the reader and author in many ways. Your support is appreciated!

  Thank you for reading!

  Amanda Booloodian

  Jump to Grim Magic (Spellbound Murder #2) - Table of Contents


  This new series has been loads of fun! Spellbound Murder started out completely different. The original idea was to have a supernatural support group, but it morphed drastically from there. Special thanks to Adria Waters who read the book early on and helped me make it a stronger book!

  I’d also like thank Tamera Walton, who took the time to read the book and give me quick feedback! This helped calm my nerves and reassure me that fans of AIR will like the new series. I also need to thank JD Book Services and Frankie Sutton, my editors, for their feedback on the book.

  Deranged Doctor Design has done another amazing job with this series! They’ve provided the entire series with wonderful covers. I love their work and their flexibility.

  Many, many other family, friends, and acquaintances have been incredibly supportive.

  For all the people who gave reviews online, you are amazing! Thank you so much for taking the time to leave a review.

  License Notes

  Printed in the United States of America

  Copyright © 2018 Amanda Boolood

  Published by: Walton INK

  ISBN-13: 978-1-947382-92-3

  All rights reserved. No part of this book may be reproduced or used in any manner without the express written permission of the publisher, except as permitted by U.S. copyright law. For permissions, please contact Walton INK.

  This is a work of fiction. Names, characters, businesses, places, events and incidents are either the products of the author's imagination or used in a fictitious manner. Any resemblance to actual persons, living or dead, or actual events is purely coincidental.

  Cover Art by Deranged Doctor Design

  Formatting by Deranged Doctor Design

  Walton INK

  Dedicated to Christina Benedict and Adria Waters. Thank you for the amazing surprise for the Oath Bound release.

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  Table of Contents


  Chapter 1

  Chapter 2

  Chapter 3

  Chapter 4

  Chapter 5

  Chapter 6

  Chapter 7

  Chapter 8

  Chapter 9

  Chapter 10

  Chapter 11

  Chapter 12

  Chapter 13

  Chapter 14

  Chapter 15

  Chapter 16

  Chapter 17

  Chapter 18

  Chapter 19

  Chapter 20

  Chapter 21

  Chapter 22

  Chapter 23

  Chapter 24

  Chapter 25


  Back to Box Set Table of Contents

  Chapter 1

  Rain pounded against the hood of the car and Mira shivered. The heat was technically on, but the amount of warmth that spat out couldn't help but be overwhelmed by the cold pressing against the windows.

  A flat tire in a storm, is this really my luck now? She knew the answer, but didn't want to admit it. At the moment, karma hated her. The feeling was mutual.

  Sighing, Mira snatched her purse and pawed through the contents again. Her cell phone had to be there, right? She never left home without it.

  Which naturally meant she’d left her phone at work, or what was left of work.

  After the fire, the insurance company had balked on payment, so they’d demanded a walk through to stall for time. Seeing the charred remains of her store had been difficult. She kept reminding herself that at least she hadn't gone up in flames with the merchandise, but the thought didn't help the fact that she had little left.

  Mira leaned back against the seat and stared out the window. A few cars zipped past her, apparently in a hurry to get home in case the rain decided to turn to ice, which it threatened to do at any moment.

  How far to the nearest... anything? A large stone wall lined the interstate here, keeping people on the road—along with the trash they threw out their windows—and out of the nice clean backyards of the houses that stood not more than a hundred yards away. Only the lights of the houses shone through.

  People didn't freeze to death in their cars anymore, right?

  Well, probably not when they carry their cell phone. She unzipped her purse again and looked through it. Someone driving by would be bound to call in to report her vehicle. No one would stop in this weather, but surely they would call her stranded car into someone.

  The sound of the rain turned sharper. A little more tick to the drops. While she stared, little chips of ice dropped on the roof of her car.

  This is ridiculous, she told herself to keep from getting too upset about her predicament. She had faced down monsters and a murderer—she could survive a little rain. Mira worked hard to ignore the fact that she never would have survived any of it if not for an angel.

  What spells did she have ready? Shell might keep the rain off if she could boost it somehow, but she felt sure someone would notice if she walked down the road and wasn't getting wet during this mess. Ignite was ready to go, but she didn't feel the need to be in another fire.

  Lights flooded her car and she let out a huge breath with relief. Then, realizing she had no idea what kind of person might be in the car behind her, she tensed and started mentally flipping through her spells faster.

  Ignite, Shell, Reflect, Sunburst, Twilight—

  When someone knocked on the window, she jumped. The man under the umbrella was easily recognizable. She was safe, she knew. Her anxiety ramped up for a whole host of other reasons, none of which she had a spell to cure.

  Gabriel waved her out of the car, looking resigned to the fact he was out in this muck.

  Mira turned off the car, leaving her hazard lights on, grabbed her purse, and made sure she had everything she needed before jumping out of the car.

  She tried to say, 'I'm so glad you're here,' but her voice disappeared in the pounding rain. He gestured rather impatiently, and then led her to the passenger side of his car. Once she was out of the weather, Gabriel took his time walking around to the driver’s side. He even paused at his door, standing in the rain.

  Blessed warmth washed over her. The heat was cranked up high and Mira pressed her hands to the heater vent.

  Gabriel got in, letting in a blast of cold air. He folded up the umbrella and closed his door before tossing the umbrella in the back. He didn't appear to notice the water he slung all over his car.

  "Thanks for the ride," Mira said.

  Gabriel's only response was a strained grunt.

  Mira fell silent. She wanted to tell him this wasn't her fault, but she felt certain that at least some blame fell on her. Gabriel had sworn to protect her while in the Ether. That was all on him. The fact that he was in the other world and had just discovered he was an angel, well... most of that blame fell to her.

  The sound of the driving rain kept the silence from becoming awkward. When they entered her neighborhood, the snowplows were hard at work, treating the roads.

  "Are you still at Lance's?" Gabriel asked.

  "No, I'm back at home." She wanted to add that he would know she had left Lance's if he had bothered to talk to her, but the thought just depressed her. Gabriel had visited twice in the past week, but he hadn't been in the mood to talk either time. At least not to her. He talked at length to Lance on one visit. Gabriel didn't even indicate why he was there, because he’d only said a few words to her.

  The other time, he had appeared to move her the two feet she needed to avoid an enormous large icicle from spearing her. Apparently, he had been in the middle of something and didn't appreciate the interruption.

  This time, Gabriel pulled into Della's driveway and drove around to the back of the house, stopping at the staircase that led to Mira's apartment.

  "Sorry about dragging you out tonight," Mira said, "but thanks for the ride."

  Gabriel drummed his fingers on the steering wheel.

  "See you around." She left the car, a black depression threatening to drown her faster than the rain.

  Halfway up the stairs she heard the car door shut behind her. For a heartbeat, she froze. If Gabriel was following her, was she in danger?

  Did it matter either way? Mira had spells at the ready, so she continued up and inside, leaving the door open for Gabriel.

  Shivering from the cold, she looked around. Everything appeared normal.

  "You didn't have to follow me up," Mira said when Gabriel came in and shut the door.

  "We need to talk," Gabriel said.

  "Can it wait? I'm soaked and freezing. Aren't you?"

  When she asked the question, she took a better look at him. He stood, barely wet.

  "I'm fine, and I'll wait."

  Alchemy and Oracle, Mira's cats, entered the room—Oracle at a run, and Alchemy at a more sedate saunter. She reached down to scratch Oracle's ears, but the cat didn't pause on his way to visit Gabriel.<
br />
  "Fine," Mira muttered, watching Gabriel pet the cat. She hung up her coat and hat next to the door and gestured for Gabriel to do the same. "There's tea and water in the kitchen. Help yourself."

  On her way to her room, her eyes strayed to the carpet near the kitchen where she had activated a spell using her own blood—and Gabriel's.

  Not a trace of the nightmare remained. The Reinfield Concierge Service had taken care of everything. No one would be able to imagine she and Gabriel had helped Emmit kill a monster and stop a dimensional rift in this very room.

  Still her eyes always trailed to that spot.

  Once she locked herself in her room, she threw off all her clothes and took a fast, but scalding-hot shower in an effort to warm herself up.

  Back in her room, she dug out a sweater. She had it halfway on when she heard Gabriel at her door.

  "Listen, Mira, this can't keep happening," Gabriel said through behind the door.

  "What?" Mira's voice came out muffled while pulling on the sweater.

  "This. Me showing up all the time. It has to stop."

  Mira felt her blood pressure shoot up. "Do you think I did this on purpose?" A little squeak entered her voice, but she was too outraged to care. She found some wool leggings and tugged them on.

  "I know you didn't," Gabriel mumbled behind the closed door. Louder, he added, "You have to put a stop to it."

  She grabbed a pair of socks and yanked open her door, glaring at him. "What do you mean I have to put a stop to this? I didn't do this." Well, broadly speaking she hadn't.

  "I could have had plans tonight," Gabriel said.

  Could have, but didn't? Mira tucked the information away and stalked past him. "What do you want me to do, stay locked up in my apartment forever?"