Spellbound Murder Complete Trilogy (Spellbound Murder Box Set Book 1) Read online

Page 37

  "Let's do it." Della closed her eyes and raised her power.

  Della's power as a sorcerer ran strong, raw, and fast. She didn't need magical words—at least not many. What she did need was magical movement along with willpower and force, which Della had in spades. Especially, it seemed where Ian was involved.

  Mira did her part to perform the actual spell, but it was her turn to worry as Della kept going. She was on the verge of warning Della to pull back, when Della gave the signal. Mira fixed the charge into the fox and sealed it.

  After the spell was over, Mira noticed her friend sway.

  "Della?" Mira said, steadying her. "You okay?"

  Della blinked a few times before nodding her head.

  "Here," Mira said, leading her over to a chair, "sit down before you fall."

  Once Della sat, Mira put her hands on her hips and glared. "Weren’t you just lecturing me?"

  Della sighed. "Yeah, I know, but like you said, it's important. You going to be okay doing Gabriel's on your own?"

  Mira glanced back at her workbench. "I was planning on it."

  "I see," Della said with a smirk.

  "Don't look at me like that," Mira said. "I'm going to get Ian to take you home."

  "I can go on my own," Della said.

  Mira laughed. "Of course you can, but that's really not the point, is it?"

  "Give me a minute first. I don't want him to see me all... blah. He'll think I can't handle my magic."

  "He'll want to help take care of you," Mira said.

  "That'll turn out well," Della said, her voice dripping in sarcasm. "Unless I'm on death's door, I don't want anyone around who's going to try to hover over me."

  "Well, tonight's a good trial run for Ian. Go easy on him, though. He might not actually know that you just need sleep."

  "Sleeping definitely wasn't what I had in mind. Maybe I should have thought this through better."

  Mira laughed again. "Wait here."

  When she entered the kitchen, the two men glanced up.

  "How is everything going?" Mira asked.

  “Slowly," Gabriel said, flipping to another page. "How's the magic?"

  "It's great," Mira said. "Della put everything she had into the last spell. Ian, would you mind making sure she gets home okay? I still have more work to do."

  Ian glanced at his partner. "It might be a good idea to get up and move around some."

  "Go help her out," Gabriel said. "A break isn't going to hurt."

  After Ian started down the stairs, Gabriel relocated Oracle from his lap to the table before he stood and stretched. "Della seemed pretty ticked off when she headed downstairs. Everything okay?"

  Mira rolled her eyes. "She was worked up over nothing."

  "We can clear out whenever you need," Gabriel said.

  "Don't worry about it," Mira said. "I still have a lot to get done tonight."

  "Anything I can help with?" Gabriel asked.

  "No, I really need to handle the rest. Besides, you've got more than enough to do."

  Gabriel rolled his shoulders. "I feel like I'm missing something. Maybe if I had met Barney, I'd understand his predictions better."

  "What are you having trouble with?"

  "Nothing’s connected. He's all over the board with random stuff." Gabriel picked up a file and flipped through it. "Like this, 'accident involving a red car and green truck on the corner of 12th and Main. City unknown.' I can't believe the Ether reflects this kind of uselessness."

  "It may not be useless for someone that drives those streets."

  "But John was getting messages out of this?"

  Mira curled up her nose at the memory and her eyes strayed to the spot where her blood had marred the floors. "That's what he said, but can we believe him? He was crazy."

  "We don't have to believe him, but we can't disregard it either."

  "Maybe it's in code," Mira said.

  "You think Barney was sending encrypted messages?"

  "I think Barney was writing what he saw. But who's to say those things on the other side weren't directing the visions."

  Gabriel flipped through a few pages and sat back down. "I don't like the idea of people communicating with those creatures."

  "Me neither," Mira said. "What kind of person does that?"

  Chapter 13

  "Zealots?" When Mira stared at him blankly, Gabriel continued. "Remember the chanting that seemed to flow through the house when Leatherface took over John's body?"

  "I remember."

  "And John mentioned gods."

  Emmit mentioned them as well, but Mira wasn't about to bring that up.

  "History is filled with people doing horrific things for their god," Gabriel said.

  "Those monsters on the other side were definitely not gods," Mira said.

  "No, but they talked about gods as well."

  Mira rubbed her forehead. "And these people are killing supernaturals for their gods?"

  "Maybe. It's only a theory. We don't have enough to go on yet."

  "I think you might be right about the religion stuff, though. Crazy people talking about gods all of a sudden can't be a coincidence. When you go through Barney's predictions, keep that in mind."

  "Like, the gods are telling their followers to avoid 12th and Main?" Gabriel asked.

  "No, but colors and numbers can have significance in religion. Look for patterns or repeats of the same thing. Certain words could even be a clue."

  "It's worth a try," Gabriel said. "Thanks."

  Mira covered her mouth to stifle a yawn.

  "It’s late," Gabriel said, "you should get some rest."

  "After I finish my spells.”

  There was a knock on the door and Mira poked her head into the living room as Ian came in wearing a very big smile.

  Mira grinned, but turned her head before Ian noticed. "Help yourselves to anything. If you leave, lock up behind you."

  "Thanks," Gabriel said.

  "I'm back to work," Mira said before yawning again. "Good luck."

  Downstairs, Mira went straight for the doors to make sure Della and Ian locked up on their way out. With that done, she felt more comfortable fishing the pendant meant for Gabriel out of the purification bath.

  It seemed right that it had spent extra time purifying. If she’d had the time, she would have preferred for it to sit even longer in the concoction. She wanted to make something fit for an angel.

  On reflection, the protection rune may have been a bad idea when mixed with the chain of her other spell, but it would work for now.

  Holding the platinum tightly in her hand, she went to the circle and let her power charge it once again. With Della helping, things went fast. They always went fast with a sorcerer involved.

  This time she made herself comfortable on the floor, cupped her hands around the pentagram, and began to pour all of her focus into keeping Gabriel safe. He’d saved her countless times, even before he accidentally made himself her guardian angel. Sure, he’d almost killed her once or twice as well, but no one was perfect.

  Going through all the dangers Gabriel could face—magic, psychics, guns and knives, werewolves, vampires, and fiends from the Ether, maybe even gods—she felt a little overwhelmed. Mira fixated on her ward blocking everything possible. Concentrating hard, her magic poured in, turning her focus into a reality.

  With her magic running high, Mira felt that prickly sensation on her skin again. This time, it seemed possible she was pushing herself too hard.

  She ignored it and continued. If she could save Gabriel even once, the extra effort would be worth it.

  He deserved the protection and the peace of mind, along with much, much more.

  When the prickling feeling on her skin relocated to her mind, Mira began to seal off her ward. There was no way to add any more, so what she put into the spell would have to work.

  Once her magic was securely sealed away, Mira opened her eyes. She couldn't tell if she was moving or the room was, but she c
ould tell she’d overdone it. Even the tiny bit of magic feeding her circle was too much to bear, so she dropped it quickly.

  More than anything else, she wanted to curl up and go to sleep. Her head pounded, and her brain felt fuzzy.

  Maybe she already was asleep. When she turned her head, vertigo kicked in and she felt as though she were drifting on the ocean.

  Stupid, stupid, stupid, Mira thought. She should have saved at least a little bit of her strength in reserve.

  Lying on the floor until the room stopped moving sounded divine, but instead, she closed her eyes and meditated, focusing on the flow of energy in her body. Time ticked by and Mira started to feel more like normal. Not wanting to chance things, she meditated a little longer before scooting to her workbench and leveraging her tired body off the floor.

  She turned the pendant over and over in her hand. It was a good ward. Without trying, she could feel the strength. That, at least would settle down and become unnoticeable after a while.

  Taking her earlier creation, she unclasped the necklace and worked the pendant on before closing it again. The two spells hummed together. Proud of her work, she felt a flutter in her chest at the idea of giving it to Gabriel. It was enough to lend her a boost long enough to get upstairs.

  Gabriel was alone in the kitchen, stacking files neatly on her table. Mira almost groaned when she saw the clock. Three AM wasn't a time she wanted to see.

  "Oh, hey," Gabriel said, "I wasn't sure what to do with these." He waved at the files.

  "Leave them there," Mira said, "you're the only company I'm expecting."

  Gabriel raised an eyebrow. "Aren't you seeing Emmit tomorrow night?"

  "Later today," Mira said. "You'll be here, though, right? Did I ask you earlier?" Mira tiredly rubbed her eyes, trying to remember, but it seemed forever ago.

  "Why would I be here?" Gabriel asked.

  "Emmit asked me to ask you. Sorry," Mira said. "I must have forgotten."

  "I don't intend on being a third wheel," Gabriel said, a bit more forcefully than Mira had expected.

  She blinked at him in confusion. "Emmit wanted to see both of us, not just me."

  It was Gabriel's turn to look perplexed. "It's not a date?"

  "Not that I'm aware of." Although Mira really didn't appreciate the reminder.

  He appeared uncomfortable. "My mistake."

  Mira only nodded before stifling another yawn.

  "I should get out of here and let you get to sleep," Gabriel said.

  "Are you okay to drive?" Mira asked.

  "I'm fine."

  "I have something for you before you go." She held out the necklace.

  Gabriel took it carefully and studied the pendant. "This is nice. You really didn't have to do this."

  "Of course I did," Mira said, smiling broadly.

  "This is the ward?"

  "The pendant is the ward. The chain is for the spell that hides me. You can take the chain on and off, but if you break it, it breaks the spell."

  "So you've already cast it."


  "So if something happens to you?"

  "You won't know, and you won't have to worry about stopping it."

  "And the ward still works, even if I break the chain?"

  "Yes, but there's no reason to break the chain. Neither of us wants that."

  Gabriel nodded and eyed the chain, not looking at Mira.

  "Remember, the ward needs contact with your skin to work. The chain will bond with my spell no matter what."

  "Got it." Gabriel went into the living room for his jacket. "I should go. Ian will call you tomorrow about meeting Noah, but it won't be until the afternoon."

  "Good," Mira said. "I'll probably sleep until then."

  Gabriel hesitated at the door, looking at Mira for the first time since she’d handed him the necklace. He seemed as though he were going to say something, but then changed his mind.

  "Drive safe," Mira said.

  "Call us if you need anything."


  Mira didn't intend on sleeping into the afternoon, but she did want to sleep late. Instead, it was nine when she woke. Alchemy lay on the bed next to her, whipping his tail in her face. Mira sighed and rolled over, only to come face to face with Oracle, who purred before head butting her.

  "I see how it is," Mira mumbled. "You two are ganging up on me this morning."

  In answer, Alchemy jumped over her to join Oracle and they both stared at her.

  "Fine, I'm up."

  It wasn't until she’d pried herself out of bed that she noticed that she was worn. Not exactly surprising. Making a ward was enough to exhaust anyone.

  After she’d fed Alchemy and Oracle and freshened their water, she got ready to face her day. When she was dressed, she realized she didn't have much of a day to face. Magic was out of the question. Just the thought of doing an easy spell made her bones ache. Most of what needed to be done required a car—including going car shopping, which didn't appeal to Mira in the least.

  Making use of the time, she returned a few phone calls that had come in when she hadn't had her cell phone. Then she cleaned up a little before becoming at a loss for what to do.

  The files were waiting for her. Ian and Gabriel hadn't said she couldn't go through them, right? They had been comfortable enough leaving them there with her, so they wouldn't mind her going through them.

  Besides, she might be able to help.

  Taking the top file, she opened it to find printouts of Barney's blog. Mira smiled when she read the notes off to the side. Gabriel had taken her advice and made note of numbers and colors.

  Mira took out her ever-present notebook and copied Gabriel's notes while jotting down her own. She copied the numbers and colors and wrote down the dates each of them had been written in case the order would be important. A few other words caught her eye as well. Broken, crashed, wrecked—they all went down in her notebook.

  An hour went by. Mira rubbed her eyes and got up to make tea and move around. She took a chance and opened the window, finding another warm day. Much warmer than any winter day should be, but Alchemy and Oracle immediately jumped onto the windowsill to soak up the sun.

  Mira returned to her task, feeling refreshed. It wasn't long before she reached the end of Gabriel's notes. From that point, she wrote notes following Gabriel's pattern before making her own.

  When she came to the word bluebell, she stopped.

  It had to be a coincidence; she knew that. Her parents had decided to name her Miranda Bluebell Owens when she was born, and it had been a thorn in her side from her first day of school. She never used the name now.

  Did Barney even know her name?

  She read the message again; bluebells north of Short Park find sun and then die when summer kills winter.

  Mira glanced outside. Summer kills winter. Could that be what was happening now? It would be one way to describe it. Frowning, Mira grabbed her laptop and searched for Short Park.


  She shook her head. There was no way she was going to Vancouver.

  She wrote ‘blue’ off to the side for Gabriel and then took her own notes. Die and kill were probably important words though, so she added those along with bluebell and the date.

  The date. 39/28/00.

  Mira looked at the previous message. March 18. She read the one before that and found the same date. The one after the message had March 19, written out.

  Mira tapped her pen on the table and stared at the note. Barney did use his own codes, but he knew no one else knew them. Besides, the ones she had seen used symbols, letters, and numbers, not just numbers and slashes on their own.

  It was probably an accident. Mira flipped through a bunch of pages of Barney's notebook, each showing the month and day written out. She opened another file, and then flipped through a few pages at random before closing the file and looking over the bluebell passage again.

  There was nothing odd about it apart from the date. All of Ba
rney's predictions were random things that didn't make too much sense. Once again, Mira searched the internet for Short Park, and this time added the name of the city.

  Street names popped up. Well, she thought, every city in the country probably had streets named Short and Park. She pulled up the city map for more detail.

  Every city probably has a street with the name short and park in it, but how many of those cities had those streets crossing each other?

  Once again, probably quite a few. But how many had someone named Bluebell that might be reading this?

  Should she tell Ian and Gabriel?

  It was a stupid thought and she felt ridiculous. Barney had written this ages ago. They would tell her she was seeing something there because she wanted to, and they'd be right.

  The passage ingrained itself into her mind. Mira tried to move on, but she came back again and again to bluebell.

  Glancing at the clock showed what she already knew—it was early afternoon, however, Ian wasn't planning on meeting with Noah until later in the afternoon. Maybe if she went down there and saw for herself, she could get the idea out of her head.

  Her car was gone, so that was a problem. Calling Reinfield Concierge Service meant Emmit would immediately know, so that was out of the question.

  Did she want to waste the money on a cab?

  What had the passage meant when it said find the sun? The sun was out, bright, and shining away.

  Mira packed up her notebook, put the file folders back in order, and made sure her phone was charged before she called the cab.

  As soon as the taxi showed up, Mira locked up and rushed down the stairs, feeling ridiculous about the whole thing. There were too many coincidences for her to dismiss the idea, though.

  "Can you take me to the corner of Short Street and Park?" she asked.

  The driver punched the address into his GPS. "That should take about twenty minutes."

  "Excellent," she said.

  "Although," the driver added as he drove away, "with so many people around, it's hard to tell for sure."